Emotions: why expressing them is important

If you read one article from my page, this is it! This has helped me so much I cannot explain.

So many people don’t even know the names of their emotions, or don’t name them when they feel them. They are not even connected to their emotions, as in, they don’t notice how they are feeling inside their bodies, because they are too much in their heads.

Connect to your body. What are you feeling currently? It’s ok if you express that just in sounds – meaningless, but they do represent a vibration. Getting the feeling out of your body and through your throat chakra helps alchemize the emotion and helps you feel much freer.

One more time, feel how you feel inside your body and choose one or more emotions from this wheel:

A Visual Guide to Human Emotion - Visual Capitalist

There are so many emotions, or feelings, but we are not even used to naming them.

Expressing how we feel is a sign of assertiveness in a conversation. The other person cannot pass your boundaries if you explain to them exactly how you feel about how their actions make you feel, or what they’ve just said has made you feel. And even if they do, continue explaining how that makes you feel and so on.

The more accurate you are in expressing it (trust me, even if it’s just sounds), the more it’s like a magic spell that creates understanding between two or more souls.

Imagine a guy who goes on stage to do a talk. Imagine he starts with: “Hi everybody, I’m nervous to do this talk because…” . Or a mom who says to their child: “You make me angry because I am afraid of you not growing up in a good way, this is why I’m scared”. Kids understand emotions better than us. The more honest we are about saying our emotions, the more we will be understood by others and received in a positive way.

Imagine the same mom saying: “Why did you do that? You always do these things! You are a bad kid.” What the child perceives is that they’ve upset an authority figure and we should proceed cautiously when talking to tall, scary people and become shy.

Whilst if the mom says to the kid: “I feel angry an scared because you might fail and I can’t do anything about it.”. In the second scenario the kid might ask their mom why does she feel they might fail? To which the mom might realize that she, as a mirror of the kid, feels like she’s failed. This is a conscious realization, and a conscious conversation/relationship. Owning our shadows and expressing our feelings, instead of expressing emotions like anger without deliberately trying to find the source of their existence, is important.

Another great realization I’ve had is that, most of the time, I can’t control how I feel and even what I think.

By embracing these things that appear within my consciousness, as what they are and that it’s normal to feel/think however I am feeling/thinking, I have come into deeper union within myself. Just embracing all that I am, all that I feel, and think, knowing it is unconditionally loved by the Creator, because it exists. Therefore it must be accepted, right?

It makes sense that if something exists, it is allowed to be there, otherwise the laws of the Universe wouldn’t have put that thing there.

So, unconditional love and acceptance for Self is the key. Plus this bleeds into our relationships, too, as they become more unconditionally loving and accepting, without passing boundaries. (Read more on creating healthy boundaries and saying no here).

There’s a whole spectrum of feelings/emotions in your emotional body: sadness, fear, anger, joy, acceptance, boredom, etc. Recognizing and expressing them, even just to yourself can help you be more present, and have a higher vibration.

I recommend you get used to doing this and teaching others how to do it, so we can have more conscious relationships on the Planet.

This was it! If you desire to donate, here is the link: