My Twin Flame and I

Fotografie de Ricardo Esquivel pe

As a kid I always dreamt there was someone out there for me, someone with whom I’d get married, have a house with in NYC, and have a very non-comventional love story with, however I did not know what that would entail.

I sometimes found myself crying, missing and feeling this person, but I had no idea when or where we might meet.

I started my spiritual journey with an awakening, on new year’s eve, in 2012, just 2 weeks after my 19th birthday.

And it took me 7 more years of healing to meet him. And after I’ve met him, we’re still healing even deeper after 2 more years.

We are telepathic, like most twin flames, although I have read that each twin flame couple experiences a different type of telepathy.

For us, it’s hearing each other’s thoughts from wherever we are in the world, even if many times we can’t make out what the other one is saying. But some things we can hear quite clearly. Things like “I love you”, things like that…

And sometimes we see images of what the other one is seeing or thinking of. Sometimes he sees what I’m doing, even in moments I’d rather he wouldn’t.

However we have only briefly talked in the last 2 and some years we’ve been apart. In the 3D, we are still not yet together.

However the love I have experienced through this telepathy, the healling and clearing makes me feel like it doesn’t even matter when he’ll come rushing into my life, I’ll always be waiting for him with open arms and unconditional love.

He loves me because I love myself, he likes me because I like myself and that’s just what twin flames are: complete mirrors.

Although we’ve experienced attacks from entities and we still are, we keep going and support each other as we can.

In the beginning this made us fight, but now I no longer associate him with the bad things that are also happening, because he alone has been massively supportive throughout my entire journey, and loving and kind.

He’s such a gentleman and a gentle soul that I sometimes wonder how have I gotten so lucky. It’s because I am awesome, too, most probably πŸ™‚

This post is dedicated to you, baby, because I know you read everything I write and know everything I do and I love you for that ’cause I’m never alone, that’s what it means to have a twin soul. This post is so that we remember after years and years where we were today, me sitting in bed with my new cat, you, looking at my screenshare from who knows where doing who knows what, I just know I hear you saying something and that’s enough.

If you want me to write our twin flame story or give advice, please comment and let me know.

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How to persevere when opposing forces try to trick you into staying where you are.

I’ve had so much opposition in my life! From parents, to friends, to lovers, to dark entities, to teaching on Facebook and getting 2 likes consistently for a year, to my own Self being lazy and unmotivated.

To the lack of motivation part, I would say the solution came when I realized that the easy way is the solution. If it’s not easy, don’t do it. There are tons of easy things you actually like doing and you’re passionate about, while things that are hard to you, are like swimming against the flow of the river for a fish that’s not salmon.

There are many gurus selling you the idea of working hard and doing it against the grain, and making you feel unworthy if you don’t, however I believe God/The Universe loves you even if you don’t do shizz to prove it, even if you lay there on the couch eating potato chips all day.

When you fight against yourself for doing that, it might come as a great surprise to embrace the idea of doing things that are easy to you. You might even get motivation to do other things, too, because they are easy.

A great book about implementing tiny habits (the easy way) in order to change your life easefully and get motivation is this one.

Ok, I understood how to help myself, but how about when familly, friends and lovers try to oppose me when I’m trying to change my life/do something for myself?

Each person and situation is unique, but I would like to first give you this tip: stay aligned. If it doesn’t feel good, don’t do it or say it. Don’t even think it. Ignore the thought that feels bad and replace it with more positive thoughts.

It’s not that you’re not allowed to ever feel bad, it’s just that the way you feel (your vibration) creates your reality. And to have a positive, satisfying reality, where you love almost everything in your life, you must educate and train yourself to discern between feel-good and feel-bad thoughts and feelings.

If it’s helpful to you, journal about it. What do I believe about my life that feels bad? How can I change my thinking to something that feels at least slightly better? And then a little better? And what can I do to FEEL better right now? Repeat until you feel amazing and then know that you are attracting better things.

Ok, ok, but what if someone in my life doesn’t LET ME feel better? This is just a sign that your past vibration is fighting with the new one. Maybe in your past vibration you let that person tell you what to do, or your past vibration didn’t allow this new thing that feels good to be your reality because you didn’t believe yourself to be worthy and deserving of it.

Remember everyone you meet is you, and they are reflecting your vibration. You can literally say in your mind “this person leaves me alone” and if you believe it and it feels good to you, they will. Your words are magic.

So what I would advise is never compromise your feel goid for another person, but don’t go around screaming and jumping in the middle of the street, without 100% percent believing nobody cares and you will be left alone, because you will get in trouble with the Matrix system we all have in our vibration to some degree or another, because we live on a collective Earth reality where we have been imprinted with societal structures and ancestral pain to clean up.

As a lightworker or starseed, we are here to clear both our own vibrations, and also through clearing that, clearing for the whole collective of souls we came together with in this life. Clearing for our countries, our continents, our planet.

And how do you clear? Choose what feels good. Even inspite of the opposition. Trust your heart, your alignment and your reality will shift.

We have everything inside ourselves to succeed, and sometimes it requires patience and going one step back to analyze what we’re doing consciously and realize what our next feel good step is.

However I think these are the basics of dealing with opposition in our lives – choose the easy route, and what feels good/great/amazing.

Now in dealing with entities, this is much harder and I am no expert, because there are millions of types and of ways in which they can attack you, however what has helped me was going to church, listening to prayers and doing protection magic. You can search protection magic on pinterest and there are tons of chants you can say and things to do to protect yourself and your home. At first they will attack you harder, but if you continue for a few days, you will see it ease up a lot.

Things like Holly water, salt, crystals, pepper, chanting, white candles, banishing, etc.

And I don’t think going to church and white magick don’t go well together, because both feel good to me. And when you do things that feel good, you will come up against many societal standards, but you will still trust what feels good to you.

It’s so simple, God gave us this super easy way to do his will: do what makes you happy and do what feels good to you, and don’t do what feels bad, and you will get exactly where you desire to go in life, even if slowly and in Divine timing, however we are dissensitized from our feelings and consider them unimportant in this world where rational thinking is valued more than our feeling state.

And you can see me, I’m quite rational, but even while I write this, I only choose words that feel good, therefore I channel the highest light possible in this text to be of service, not because I consciously desire it, but because it’s what I’m meant to do and it comes easy to me.

I hope I have helped! Please like and comment for me to know that you appreciate it. To donate to this blog, click here:

Disclaimer: this article contains affiliate links, therefore I might get a small comission should you decide to buy from these links, however this comes at no extra cost to you.

What keeps us from having more MONEY than we can possibly hold in our hands

What keeps us from having more money than we could possibly hold in our hands, is quite simply, our beliefs.

When we are aligned with the energy of receiving money constantly, consistently, for the work that we love and our passionate about, clients, opportunities and money flocks to use in immesurate amounts.

Quite simply, the more money we believe we are worthy and deserving of getting, the more we receive it, easefully.

I’ve been interested in selling my course, “The Manifesting Princess” to my audience on Facebook.

Here is what I’m offering in the course:

The 20 LIVES in my coaching container for 20 beings will have these topics:

🌸1. ALIGNMENT & BOUNDARIES – How to stay aligned even when everybody in your life energetically tells you otherwise and what is deep alignment

🌸2. BOUNDARIES – How to always know how and when to say a profund, complete NO and how to take time for yourself when you need it without sacrificing business, money, relationships

🌸3. FREEDOM – How to feel free within yourself, how to use your throat chakra to ask for whatever you want and get it, + journalling techniques to feel FREE

🌸4. LIMITING BELIEFS – We work together to debunk any limiting beliefs you might have regarding money, relationships and health. I show you how I do it.

🌸5. MANIFESTING (1) – My 2 Pinterest techniques that have worked wonders for me, and how to use them – we do this together as a DIY project and you get to use this technique for the next 30 days and start again afterwards if you’d like.

🌸6. MANIFESTING MONEY – Why it is not just given to you, what is required from you to make the money you desire out of your PURE PASSION, + how to be visible AF

🌸7. MANIFESTING RELATIONSHIPS – How I made my toxic, semi-abusive boyfriend be extra-nice to me, treat me like a Princess and shift his way of ating towards me completely by using just WORDS + How to get your SP.

Extra: in the group, I will share all of my favorite affirmation tapes, subliminals, people I follow, etc, that helped me manifest amazing things.

🌸8. MANIFESTING AMAZING EXPERIENCES – God doesn’t always want you to have exactly what you want NOW (spoiler alert!! πŸ˜…), he wants you to first learn enough so when you get there, you know what to do and how to act, however he does want you to have an enjoyable time on Earth while you learn, if you let him. So I will teach you how I live in a state of almost permanent joy and ease and how to have amazing experiences coming to you out of nowhere!…while you’re manifesting the BIG stuff.

🌸9. MANIFESTING IN GENERAL – You have no idea how much this one live will change your life – I have spent 12 years learning how to manifest, since I first heard about the Law of Attraction, and I’m sharing all I know with you!

🌸10. MANIFESTING WEIGHT LOSS/BODY CHANGES: How I lost 22 kgs (50 pounds) in 1.5 months by clearing my limiting beliefs and believing, affirming and being on a super easy diet. + any desired physical changes

🌸11. DEALING WITH OPPOSITION – Could be people, entities, whatever it is, I can show you how I dealt with narcissists, envy, mental health issues, authority, patriarchy, etc.

🌸12. CREATIVITY – How to open up your creative portal, and be able to paint with your hands (litterally and figuratively), Cook with intention, channel when you write and not have any creative blocks.

🌸13. VISIBILITY/SHAME – How to be visible and not care what other people think, how many likes you get and just DO YOU forever!

🌸14. CLEARING CHAKRAS: Everything you need to know.

🌸15. EXCITEMENT, JOY, PASSION: How to live that life you most desire NOW.

🌸16. BUSINESS : How to not be afraid to sell high(er) ticket, how to start/scale the business you most enjoy doing NOW, how to do it with EASE.

🌸17. HOW TO HOLD YOUR VISION UNTIL YOU GET THERE – I am one to never give up. I have always had a vision growing up and although I have gone through torment and upheaval, I have always woken up the next day and started again. I want to teach you how and why to be a woman that never gives up.

🌸18. EASEFUL ROUTINE – The most important part of manifestation is changing your vibration to align to your desired reality, so that also needs a change/shift in routine. I will give you great exemples of routines that work/have worked for me in the past and then create a routine for each one of you that you can follow.

🌸19. FEMININE RITUALS – Get in touch with your feminini and do some white witchcraft/self care rituals with me in order to attract more looks/mates/wealth/abundance/money

🌸20. BECOME THE CREATRIX – Sure, you’ve heard it, you are the creator of your reality, but do you understand that on a deeper level? Leave this course imprinted with the awareness that you create everything that exists. Much love.

For this course, I could have easilly asked for 10k, but this course is officially – 5.000 $
Schedule a Discovery call if you want to know even more juicy details and see if we are a match. πŸ™ƒπŸ˜ Or buy here directly:

Also, to book one or multiple individual coaching sessions with me or an oracle reading, check out my other services here.

How to rewrite your past (in order to manifest better)

To explain this topic better, I first have to explain parallel realities.

Think about the word ‘tomorrow’. You read it in the present. And now you read this in the present. You also read “you said it” (past) in the present. You’re thinking about the past or the future, but you’re always doing it in the present now moment.

You see, great meditators who awaken from the illusion of Maia, realize this concept profoundly. Everything happens at once, as well as nothing ever happened, life is a dream/illusion.

Think about a movie. You can stop it at minute 12:15, and then at minute 12:16. You can screenshoot it, and take one image to China and one to the United States.

Although the movie seems to have a logical, linear story, you can mess up all the images in it and spread them all over the world.

That’s sort of how reality is. That means your most wanted desires happen now, and so do your worst nightmares. And everything you can possibly ever imagine exists in the timeless NOW, and you can align with it if you align to its frequency (how would it feel to you NOW to have that reality – think about it often until it gains momentum and it manifests).

So on the subject of changing your past, you can basically decide what your past was, and change it up as you wish.

Even though it might not feel true to your mind, that’s the only place that past exists – your mind. Otherwise you have no concrete proof of it in the present moment.

So change the story – I’ve been traumatized in my life enormosuly (in the linear story I align to now as I say this), however I made a small but important effort to say that I’ve always been happy, I always had everything I needed, I always had amazingly loving parents and every circumstance in my life was always extremely favorable.

That not only makes me feel better, but also helps me manifest better.

The stories we keep telling ourselves are so important. Because if in our minds we keep repeating our traumas, our sad, victimized stories, what we will get in our realities is proof that we are victims of our circumstances, proof that we can never succeed if we were abused and after many, many years from those abuses – you can already call it procrastination from doing what we desire and changing our habits and our circumstances because we were once in pain. And we keep recreating that pain.

Now nobody is saying you shouldn’t love yourself through the pain, love your inner child that got hurt. Nobody says you aren’t entitled to be angry or upset about what happened to you, however as you empower yourself and decide to shift that reality and live a better one, you can change the narative, the story into something that feels good, so that you also shift your vibration and attract better.

You can even change the people in the story and how they treated you, you can say and imagine how they treated you well, and forgive them for any hurt that they’ve caused.

If these people are still in your life, you might actually see a shift in them, too, after you have done this.

Again, no one is saying you are not entitled to your pain (no matter how big or small), however if you are at the point of wanting to shift from it, this is how to do it.

If it’s easier for you to write this new story out, by all means, do it. And if it’s easier to think about it or say it out loud, these are also relevant and ok options.

I hope I have helped. If you need further help, I could not recommend this next book more. Most of what I know is from this guy, Bentinho Massaro. He basically saved my ass from huge depression and helped me manifest a much better life for myself. The book is called: “Super Accelerated Living – How to manifest an epic life” and you can get it here. Hope this helps!

Much love!

Disclaimer: this article contains affiliate links, which means I might get a small comission should you decide to buy through the links, at no extra cost to you.